Chapter One :Chapter 1

Chapter One


Wembroke Palace,England 2022.

Serena Leigh Anne Wembroke woke up with butterflies fluttering in her belly,there would be butterflies of course since she was getting married to her childhood lover Prince William Clemburgh of England,she whistled like a happy fairy as she pushed over her bed covers and ran down the stairs like a giddy school girl over to the breakfast table.There her father was,the duke of hatingon and her elder brother who was to ascend the dukedom very soon.

‘Please tell me you're wearing shorts underneath'.Henry rolled his eyes as his playful sister who never seemed to act her age or a proper lady jabbed his ribs,Serena chuckled and asked if he would love to have a look to which he distastefully declined,her snarky comment later erupted into a spiral of arguments that required the duke to speak up.

‘Enough the both of you! Henry that is no way to speak to your sister and Leigh......'.He was the only one who called her Leigh Anne after her mother passed away, ‘You're getting married tomorrow to the future King of England,you're on your way to becoming a princess then a queen,learn to speak with respect—you know I love you too much'.His voice softened and Serena nodded but her brother frowned which led Duke Simon Wembroke to sigh deeply.It was hard enough taking care of two kids without the help of a woman and not sending them away like other royal fathers would do,now he was dealing with two grown adults who act like teenagers.

Breakfast ensued in silence until the loud honking of the car was heard,that signaled the arrival of the driver and Serena's tardiness for her dress fitting.She yelped as she rose to her feet,had a quick shower and thankfully her outfit of the day was already prepared by her maid.It was tightly fitted but loose at the legs Burberry pants,with a blouse and then her black fur coat which was a gift from her fiance to match.

She ran back down the stairs and placed a kiss on her father's head before heading out the main door.The car was waiting and she heaved a sigh of relief as she couldn't bear to walk miles to the front gate,then prince William came out dressed formally in his perfectly tailored suit and his dark brown hair and hazel eyes almost made her swoon......he was the perfect prince charming from Disney that she needed....and got.

‘Good morning your royal highness'.She said in a sultry way and he responded by grabbing her by the waist to reel her in for a kiss.A minute later after the captivating and steamy session, Serena's smile instantaneously turned into a scowl when the other passenger from the car came out, ‘What is he doing here?'.She asked pointing at William's younger brother,Prince Sebastian.

‘Trust me I don't want to be here Wembroke'.Sebastian grunted, ‘I would rather be in jail or something', showing his clear dislike for his in-law to be.Seb,short for Sebastian was the exact opposite from his brother,tall, muscular with long and sleek jet-black hair and the infamous neck tattoo of a scorpion that made the news headlines for weeks—he was almost questioned for being part of a secret cult.He wasn't the traditional prince material by royal standards but by womanly standards he was extremely attractive—but not to Serena,he came off as an arrogant,reckless and stupid rake of a man who couldn't bear getting a decent haircut like his brother.

‘He's my best man darling,please put up with his impudence'.William chuckled softly as he opened the car so she would get in.

’Impudence?? Your fiancee has the mouth of a fire wasp William!'.Seb raised his voice in annoyance as he made his way to the front of the car, anything was better than sitting close to the ‘Her ever perfect lady Serena Wembroke'.They never got along right from the moment they were introduced to each other ten years ago,all time spent together whilst their parents clamoured for world peace always ended in catastrophe.She adored his his goody-two-shoes of a brother while he was labeled the black sheep of the family—but he was okay,she was just too priss for him and tomorrow she was going to be his sister in-law.......oh how he wished for a disaster to happen.


Sofia Delavigne grunted deeply as she waited patiently for the car to arrive,she was the maid of honor at the royal wedding and Serena's best friend,an average height woman with straight brown hair and pouted lips,she was a caricature of her mother—with the right surgery of course.Speak of the devil,the car pulled up in front of her and Serena hopped out with William whose eyes lit suddenly in shock to see her there.

‘Wow Sofia,Se....Serena didn't say anything about you being here'.He stuttered and laughed awkwardly which Serena found very strange.

‘Goodday your highness, I'm the maid of honor after all'.Sofia responded also laughing and then frowning when Sebastian brushed past her without paying heed of her presence.Serena scoffed loudly at the brusqueness of her future brother in-law and followed shortly into the shop.Sofia and William also tried to move in at the same time therefore bumping into each other,she gave him the go ahead and tucked her hair behind her ear nervously.

Serena was oblivious of the strange friction but Sebastian wasn't dense—he was a keen observer and he was observing,it was also fueled by his dislike for Sofia.Sofia Delavigne wasn't born of royal blood but her father was a very high esteemed politician so she was a high class member of the society—always nice and sweet all for show like his brother,those auburn eyes of hers covered the real snake intentions and he was the only one who could see it.Both women were taken to a separate room as her wedding traditions and he was left with his annoying brother to get into their suits.

‘I look like a Disney Caricature'.

‘You look like a prince,that's the point Seb'.

‘I am a prince, William.I don't need to wear perfectly tailored suits and bombard my hair in damaging hair gel to prove it'.

‘You're just jealous that I'm getting married and that Anita wouldn't acknowledge you'.William muttered to poke his brother and trigger unwanted feelings—and it did work, Sebastian ordered the assistants to get out and walked straight to his brother with his stride full of anger, ‘Don't poke a wounded bear William,you might be older than me big age is just a number right?? besides you have secrets of your own...... secrets you wouldn't want to come into the light—Dear old Willy needs to keep his reputation clean am I right?'.He whispered and left shortly,leaving William in a state of muddled emotions.

Yes he did have secrets—secrets that could ruin his life,yes his brother was also capable of leaking every single one of them.Sebastian wasn't the model younger brother that looked up to his elder brother,he was hardheaded, dangerous, arrogant, sneaky, extremely smart and that terrified William in more ways than possible.


Chapter One


Meanwhile at the other side of the changing room Serena stepped out in her majestic white dress that made all the women in the room gasp loudly,it was her mother's dress with a few embellishments added to it.It was sleek with a mermaid style skirt that accentuated her curves,there was the addition of Swarovski crystals forming a flower- like pattern and her veil was long enough to reach the hem of her dress.

‘You look so beautiful'.Sofia muttered as she stood next to her best friend,they both looked into the mirror and that's when Serena noticed a change in her countenance.

‘Is everything okay Sofia?'.

‘Are you sure you want to marry him?'.


‘Nothinh,I just wanted to know if you're ma.....making the right decision'.Sofia murmured with her eyes fully coveted which Serena didn't notice and just smile.

‘Prince William is the best thing that's ever happened to me Sofia.We have been together since adolescence and I don't see myself marrying someone else—I know you'd feel lonely when I take on my duties as the princess but that doesn't mean I'll love you less..... you're my best friend and real soulmate for a reason'.Serena muttered and Sofia nodded even though the words meant absolutely nothing to her.She quickly took an excuse to the bathroom and William noticed when she left from his own side of the room,she also sent him a text to meet her there and excused himself.Thankfully no one noticed—and by no one be meant Sebastian.

He went into the women's bathroom where Sofia was and quickly took off his belt and pulled down his trousers,with the other hand he groped her by the breast and started to remove her buttons panting heavily as the sexual tension increased.

‘Is the door locked?'.


’We should stop this'.

‘Shh and take your clothes off'.He whispered seductively in a way that made her toes curl,his hand was already up her skirt and the thought of him marrying Serena diminished the moment he thought about sex.

The affair started on Christmas last year,Serena was in Africa doing some charity work and he thought she was at her apartment.... surprisingly he met Sofia.One wine led to another and they both started spilling secrets,he had never touched Serena he told her,he loved sex and Serena was too traditional to wait until after marriage and Sofia took this opportunity—One thing led to another and they were both naked and making love on the kitchen table.Sex with Sofia was way more ecstatic and pleasurable than he imagined, sure Serena was way more beautiful,sexy and gracious—Sofia was urban and also very attractive—most of all she was down and dirty which was something Serena wouldn't do.

‘I'm serious here William....I....I can't bear the thought of you marrying her'.She gasped as he slipped a finger into her special place.

‘I'm doing this for my family Sofia.I have no choice but—'.

‘You said you love me William,we both know you don't love her'.

‘Well I do lover her as a good friend of course—i am hopelessly in love with you,now get down and give me one of your specials'.He whispered and she obeyed which was one reason he loved her,her tongue flickered against his tip before she took it all in...... sucking and sucking until she gagged and he grabbed a hold of her hair.

‘Beg me Sofia'.He muffled his groan as he went in deeper not caring about her throaty screams, ‘Beg me'.He repeated and quickly pulled out when he came.He couldn't get it up the second time so they were quickly dressed and ready to have a good conversation.

‘Don't marry her William.You won't be happy'.She said and kissed his cheek before stepping out to meet Serena who wondered where she was and why she looked so disheveled.William sighed deeply as he also stepped out shortly after—Sofia was right,he wasn't going to be happy.

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